Friday, November 25, 2011

Fall into autumn

 BISMILLAHI RAHMANI RAHIM. In the name of Allah Most Beneficent Most Merciful.

Autumn at my university

We are now in the middle of autumn season, left out hot summer and deliver to  brisk winter. But americans call autum as fall. It's kind of weird. hehe.. I remember last year when my husband asked me. "Bila down season nak mula?". I confused. "Hah? what? down season?" We laughed. He's actually want to ask about fall season but he said "down" instead of fall. haha.. so funny.

view outside my faculty

Fall is my favorite season. I love the trees changing color, leaves swirling and falling and the cool weather in the air. It's so refreshing! Glad its cooling off, yeah.. summer is very hot and dry here. The temperatures can reach up to 40 degree celcius!

beautiful tree trunk

Everything becomes naturally beautiful with the appearance of the autumn season.We start to wear warm jacket and boots. Waa.. I like boots!

Me walking to the library

I've noticed as the seasons change from summer to fall, and the temperature drop to 0 degree celcius, my body needs to undergo an adjustment. I had a headache, cold, runny nose, sneezing, coughing and itchy skin all over my body for more than one week. huhu..

Whatever it is, Alhamdulillah..

Fall on the Horseshoe

The best time of the year

Till then.


  1. cantik2 gambar..pandai pilih..

  2. thanks.. "Ya Allah, keindahan itu adalah keindahan-Mu, kecantikan itu adalah kecantikan-Mu"
