Saturday, March 31, 2012

An evening walk

This past week has had absolutely gorgeous weather. Alhamdulillah. After class Thursday evening, all of us went out walking to the State House. The air at this time is full of peculiar scent. We feel warm, happy, peaceful and refreshed. The tired nerves seem to get a new life. The road was neat and clean. It was lined with green trees. The trees and bushes with their new tender leaves and flowers looked charming and beautiful. Subhanallah.
The State House
My husband took this opportunity to mantain his healthy and strong body. So, he jogged around the State House along the pedestrian trail to get rid of his stubborn belly fat! Often, he workouts, performs exercises, strengthen his muscles couple of times a week in the house especially during the winter season. It's cold to do it outside and nobody does that. eheh.. Me? I think 30 minutes walking to library everyday is enough to get my body need. (I hope).

He was an athlete back then. Well, believe it..
My sweet little girl has an obsession with BUBBLES. I think it's because Spongebob Squarepants. Spongebob loves to blow bubbles! He can even blow bubbles in the shape of different animals. Alya managed to blow her bubbles after failed many times. Haha.. and when the bubbles was in the air, she was exited and tried to catch it. Catch! Catch! Catch! The bubbles then pop and she grinned. ngee..
Blowing bubbles..

I just walked around and snapped pictures of this great moment. I can feel that phothography is my new hobby. ececeh..  :P and credited was given to Alya. She was such a great poser! ahaksz.. Yea.. you might noticed her hair, it was short like a boy..I can't wait for it to be longer so that I can make ponytails on her.

2 years 5 months old little angel

Ai Ai Captain!!

As the sun set down, we went back home. We went to this place zillions times since it only took 5 minutes walk from my apartment.

beautiful sunset, Masha Allah
Till then. Love you :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Keep walking..

Bila kau letih dan hilang semangat,
Allah tahu betapa kau telah mencuba sedaya upaya...
Bila tangisanmu berpanjangan dan hatimu kedukaan,
Allah telah mengira titisan air matamu...
Bila kau rasa ketinggalan dan masa meninggalkanmu,
Allah sentiasa ada di sisimu...
Bila kau telah mencuba segalanya tapi tidak pasti arah tujuan,
Allah ada jalan penyelesaiannya...
Bila tiada lagi yang beerti buatmu, keliru dan kecewa,
Allah adalah jawapannya...
Jadi mohonlah padaNya agar dikembalikan semangat untuk mencari ilmuNya.
Sabarlah wahai diri...
moga ada sinar gemerlapan di penghujungnya...
insyaAllah Taala!

Spring 2012 at USC

Yeah.. sometimes we feel great, like we can take on the world, but sometimes we also feel depressed, lower energy levels, and lack of motivation to strive for personal excellence. We all want a happy life. Whoever desires peace, tranquality and comfort can find it all in the remmebrance of Allah. The hardships that befall you atone for your sins. Hear the words of Allah

So do not lose heart, and do not fall into despair; for you must gain mastery if you are true in faith. (3:139)

Dan janganlah kamu (merasa) lemah, dan jangan pula bersedih hati, sebab kamu paling tinggi (darjatnya), jika kamu orang beriman.

Till then.. :)

Ayam Adobo

1 ekor Ayam
1 cawan kicap
2 sudu sos tiram
1/2 biji bawang besar
3 biji bawang putih
1 inchi halia
Sedikit lada putih, lada hitam dan serbuk perasa.
Bay leaf (daun salam). * optional
5 tangkai cili kering *optional

1. Rendam cili kering dengan air panas.

2. Tumis bawang besar, bawang putih dan halia hingga naik bau.
3. Masukkan kicap dan sos tiram, biar seketika.
4. Masukkan ayam dan gaul2 sedikit sehingga agak garing.
5. Masukkan lada putih, lada hitam, garam, dan serbuk perasa.
6. Tambah air untuk kuah, tunggu hingga mendidih, masukkan bay leaf dan cili kering yang digunting-gunting sebagai hiasan. Siap!!

Pengat keledek + pisang

3 biji keledek
4 biji pisang
1 cawan brown sugar/gula melaka
1/2 cawan biji sagu
1/2 cawan santan

1. Rendam sagu.
2. Keledek dikupas kulitnya dan dipotong dadu. Rebus sehingga empuk.
3. Buang sedikit airnya.
4. Masukkan pisang yang dipotong bulat2, gula, dan sagu.
5. Tambah santan, tunggu hingga didih dan siap!!

Handsome man *cough!

Ikan masak stim

4 ekor ikan talapia
1/2 biji bawang besar
3 biji bawang putih
1 inch halia
1 inch lengkuas
1 batang serai
5 biji cili padi
sedikit daun sup
sos tiram

1. Didihkan air dalam periuk.
2. Masukkan bawang besar, bawang putih, halia, cili padi, lengkuas dan serai.
3. Masukkan ikan sehingga ikan masak.
4. Campurkan sedikit sos tiram dan daun sup, garam, jus limau dan siap!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

My very first Tiramisu cake

Alahai, not very presentable lah.. whateverr..

Sebarang kek span
250ml whipping cream
200ml cream cheese
Cocoa powder
1/2 cawan gula halus

1.  Bancuh 1 cawan nescafe, pastu minum untuk menghilangkan dahaga. haha.. no lah, jgn minum. Bancuh je tanpa gula k..
2. Mix gula, whipping cream, and cream cheese in a bowl and pukul sehingga fluffy.
2. Slice the cake into several layers.
3. Letak 1 layer ke dalam bekas.
4. Tuang nescafe ke kek itu.
5. Topping dgn adunan tadi. (This is the best part, wee....)
6. Ulang proses 4 & 5 sehingga habis.
7. Tutup bekas dan masukkan dalam peti ais.
8. Tunggu suami pulang, n makan sama2. haha.. jgn lupa decorate dgn serbuk koko sebelum dihidang. You should try this.. kekeke..

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Soto Ayam

1 ekor ayam
3 biji bawang merah
3 biji bawang putih
1 btg serai
1 inchi halia, kunyit dan lengkuas
1 sudu jintan halus, ketumbar dan lada putih yg dikisar.
1/4 cawan santan. (optional)
Bunga lawang, kayu manis
Meehoon / nasi himpit

Kacang goreng
Daun sup
Bawang goreng
Begedil (daging/ayam kisar)
Sambal kicap

1. Kisar bawang merah, bawang putih, halia dan kunyit.
2. Tumis kayu manis, bunga lawang, serai, dan lengkuas yg dititik.
3. Tumis bahan yg dikisar sehingga naik bau.
4. Masukkan jintan halus, ketumbar dan lada putih.
5. Masukkan ayam, tutup periuk dan biar hingga ayam masak.
6. Tambah santan dan air sehingga mendidih, masukkan garam secukup rasa dan siap!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Begedil daging cincang

Lupe nk amik gambo, tinggal 4 je yang x cantik, yang cantik sume dh kena ngap!

Assalammualaikum, last weekenf I buat Begedil. Tentunya nak matchingkan ngn menu utama, iaitu mee soto. This is one of the dishes I rarely made, almaklumla masak bila hujung minggu je sbb during weekdays I makan hasil tangan Mr Din. Ahaks.. Tapi yang lecehnya, setiap kali nak buat tiap kali tu la duk dpn laptop, search resipi kat Google. sebab.. lupa.. hehe. Buang masa kan. Masalahnya, yang melambatkan lg, I akan refer to several recipes and modify, add a little bit there, cut a little bit here mengikut kepala otak sendiri. wakaka... That is why this time I recorded in this blog for future reference. Ok.. let's check it out..

6-7 biji kentang.
1 cawan daging cincang
3 biji Bawang merah & 3 putih
3 batang daun sup
Bread crumbs
Lada sulah & Lada hitam
Bawang goreng

1. Kupas kentang, potong 4, dan rebus sehingga empuk.
2. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, dan goreng daging cincang sehingga masak. Tambah sedikit lada hitam, lada sulah dan garam.
3. Lenyek kentang yang direbus tadi dan dibiarkan sejuk.
4. Campurkan daging cincang, bawang goreng, daun sup ke dalam kentang lenyek td. Tambah garam, sedikit lada sulah dan gaulkan sebati.
5. Bentuk dan kepal-kepalkan.
6. Untuk menggoreng, salut dengan telur dan bread crumbs.

1. Ada juga orang yang goreng kentang tu instead of rebus. I prefer rebus more because tak mau banyak minyak. Nanti last step pun  kena goreng gak. Kolestrol tau..
2. Since bawang goreng ready made xde dijual di Columbia ni, so kenala buat sendiri. I guna 3 biji bawang besar, dipotong nipis + garam + tepung gandum dan digoreng dgn api perlahan. Buat lebih sikit utk dekorasi mee soto sekali. Berjanggut juga nk tunggu bawang goreng ni siap,  dan kena selalu kena tengok dan kacau sikit-sikit takut terhangus. Hasilnya, mabeles n rangup! Berbaloi berdiri lama2 kt dapur. (Adeh, krem kakiku..)
3. Menggoreng begedil adalah part yang paling mencabar sekali. Kalau x yeye boleh hancur n pecah jadinya, sebabnya sebelum ni pun dah banyak kali fail.sad, huhu.. tapi trick kali ini, I salut dgn bread crumbs, ia seolah-olah  menjadi lapisan luar yang kukuh. Dan lagi satu pastikan minyak betul2 panas semasa menggoreng.

Alhamdulillah.. sedap.. hehe..
Ok, till then. Peringatan utk diri sendiri: Rajin-rajinlah ke dapur n upgrade skill memasak. kikiki..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What are you feeling?

Suddenly, I feel down. I had been swept away by the tide of egoism in Facebook. It happened when you love to be seen, recognized, praised and adored. Needless to say, in Facebook, every word, picture, or thought you have can be seen, praised, and 'liked'. Often, when I read someone's status in facebook, I feel that they want to show off their cell phones, cars, clothes, house, achievemeent, money and so on. Everyone becomes materialistic.

But, in reality I do the same thing. (Ashamed of myself!) Suddenly, I live every experience, every photo, every thought, as if it's being watched, because in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "I'll put it on Facebook." Show off your achievement is no good, show off your wealth is not wise. My iman is always up and down. Even, when you tell the truth, other people will misintepret it and say you are showing off.. By telling the whole world that I got that and that, or I went to that place and that place.. are annoying..

I realized this after one of my friend told me. It's killing me but it's good for my deen, In shaa Allah..  as to remind me the goal of our existence, is to realize the truth of Allah's greatness. The goal is to take myself out of the center and put Him there instead.  But Facebook perpetuates the illusion of the exact opposite.

أستغفر الله (astaghfirullah). I ask Allah forgiveness.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm officially a Phd candidate.

Hello blogosphere, it has been a long time I did not update this blog. Yeah.. finally, I had passed my Quals exam, Alhamdulillah... It's such a great relief. I am very thankful to Allah, my supportive hubby and my lovely daughter who kept saying "Ameen" to the doa I taught her. "Ya Allah, luluskanlah mama dalam QE". I know she do not understand what's going on, but it was a very beautiful feeling. Now, my Phd path more clearer. Next August, I'll be taking another huge exam i.e. Comprehensive Exam.

I thougt after finished my Quals I got plenty of leisure times but it's not. Whether you are in first semester or fourth semester the load is still the same. For me, I need always struggle, not to mention that I continue doing my work during weekend. Argghhh..