Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What are you feeling?

Suddenly, I feel down. I had been swept away by the tide of egoism in Facebook. It happened when you love to be seen, recognized, praised and adored. Needless to say, in Facebook, every word, picture, or thought you have can be seen, praised, and 'liked'. Often, when I read someone's status in facebook, I feel that they want to show off their cell phones, cars, clothes, house, achievemeent, money and so on. Everyone becomes materialistic.

But, in reality I do the same thing. (Ashamed of myself!) Suddenly, I live every experience, every photo, every thought, as if it's being watched, because in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "I'll put it on Facebook." Show off your achievement is no good, show off your wealth is not wise. My iman is always up and down. Even, when you tell the truth, other people will misintepret it and say you are showing off.. By telling the whole world that I got that and that, or I went to that place and that place.. are annoying..

I realized this after one of my friend told me. It's killing me but it's good for my deen, In shaa Allah..  as to remind me the goal of our existence, is to realize the truth of Allah's greatness. The goal is to take myself out of the center and put Him there instead.  But Facebook perpetuates the illusion of the exact opposite.

أستغفر الله (astaghfirullah). I ask Allah forgiveness.


  1. Aik... K lyn ada post komen b4 this. Tapi tak appear plak. Actually last 2 days pon k lyn ngan hasben ada discuss menda yg sama. Let's improve ourselves. But I think not to worry if we share something to let our family know that we r just fine n to let them know about our life. Yang penting takde unsur riak.

  2. oic.. kan? betul kan. yela.. kadang2 kita x berniat pun nk riak, kita tulis sbg nota utk diri sendiri. tp lain org lain penilaiannya. hari2 baca status org lain psl keunggulan n kehebatan diri sendiri sedikit sbyk tanpa kita sedar kita pun terikut-ikut buat cmtu gak. haish.. kesimpulannya, jgn buka fb slalu..
