Saturday, March 31, 2012

An evening walk

This past week has had absolutely gorgeous weather. Alhamdulillah. After class Thursday evening, all of us went out walking to the State House. The air at this time is full of peculiar scent. We feel warm, happy, peaceful and refreshed. The tired nerves seem to get a new life. The road was neat and clean. It was lined with green trees. The trees and bushes with their new tender leaves and flowers looked charming and beautiful. Subhanallah.
The State House
My husband took this opportunity to mantain his healthy and strong body. So, he jogged around the State House along the pedestrian trail to get rid of his stubborn belly fat! Often, he workouts, performs exercises, strengthen his muscles couple of times a week in the house especially during the winter season. It's cold to do it outside and nobody does that. eheh.. Me? I think 30 minutes walking to library everyday is enough to get my body need. (I hope).

He was an athlete back then. Well, believe it..
My sweet little girl has an obsession with BUBBLES. I think it's because Spongebob Squarepants. Spongebob loves to blow bubbles! He can even blow bubbles in the shape of different animals. Alya managed to blow her bubbles after failed many times. Haha.. and when the bubbles was in the air, she was exited and tried to catch it. Catch! Catch! Catch! The bubbles then pop and she grinned. ngee..
Blowing bubbles..

I just walked around and snapped pictures of this great moment. I can feel that phothography is my new hobby. ececeh..  :P and credited was given to Alya. She was such a great poser! ahaksz.. Yea.. you might noticed her hair, it was short like a boy..I can't wait for it to be longer so that I can make ponytails on her.

2 years 5 months old little angel

Ai Ai Captain!!

As the sun set down, we went back home. We went to this place zillions times since it only took 5 minutes walk from my apartment.

beautiful sunset, Masha Allah
Till then. Love you :)


  1. but me no spik inglish...hehehe..

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