Monday, April 30, 2012

Damn tired

The take home final exam is so hard. The professor said it is open ended problem and perhaps you could make a paper. hmm.. you can imagine how hard is that  right? I spent entirely one week to answer that problem but it went to nowhere. The stress is come when your heart ask you to read and search but your mental said you are tired searching for the answer. I read the lecture notes many times bit by bit and referred tons of paper/journal. I need to do this whole heartedly because the proffesor is the one who hired me as his RA. Today is the duedate but I'm not feel good about that.

"Ya Allah, keluarkan aku dari kegelapan ragu-ragu, muliakan daku dengan sinaran kefahaman, dan bukakan bagiku pintu ilmu dan hiasilah daku dengan akhlak yang baik dan kasih sayang. Amin.."


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Crowded.. hoyeah..

The library was so crowded that I couldn't find a seat. The library is seven floors, it's actually really big. After walked through, at last, I got a seat at the level 1, which was in underground floor. But, when my laptop was out of battery, I can't reach the power supply since I have to overcross other student's table. So, I leaved that seat, walked again and found another one at level 3. Alhamdulillah.. I was thinking that I'll just study at home which is not easy for me since Alya will bother. Usually, it's not crowded like this. I guess it's because final exam season. Everyone is busy preparing for that. As for me, I don't have exams, but I was given take home final exam for three subjects which are more hard. Basically, you will not find the answers from books, but in your brain. It requires time, hard work, and most important, dedication. May Allah make it easier for me. Amin Ya Rabb..
I always recite this doa before study. It was written by Imam Masjid Skudai (J's father) when they visited to our house at Columbia.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Unexpected thing

The graded Homework #2 Applied Math was returned and discussed in class today. I got 9/10 but ironically I was not happy inside. The reason was I copied the answers from someone else. Please don't think me lazy. (OK, I'm trying to defend myself here, I guess). The professor expected that we would  finish it during last Spring break. Yeah, I did some at the beginning of the holiday. But then my study mood seemed to disappear as it was holiday season.

We went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for four days as a reward for me passing the Quals exam. After the spring break was over, I asked my Chinese friend to discuss about the homework and she just gave me her answer script that she copied from other student. Because time was very limited, so I just made a copy by saying to myself that I'll try to understand it later.Yes.. later..

Eventually, I managed to figure out question number one only. I found that my friend's answer was wrong and then I wrote my own answer confidently, even it was not same with the solution given in the text book. Instead, my friend's answer match with the given solution. That was the only question I understood and the remaining 5 questions were completely 'copy and paste'.

At the end of the class, when everybody started to pack their things, Prof Q called me to the front. I was so nervous. Did he knew that I didn't do my work? Oh no.. dup dap dup dap. I could hear my heartbeat.

"What will you do this Summer I?", he asked. I  replied promptly. "I will attend c++ workshop." Then he said again. "Actually, I want to hire you as my RA."

Ahh.. what a great relief. Ya Allah..

Then I said, "Oh really? Allright..". He smiled and said, "Ok, let's discuss in my office. Do you have time now?". "Yeah, sure..". I replied.

He said he chose me, not D (an american student in my class) because I did well in my homework. I was the only student gave the correct answer for question number one, make him realized that the given solution in the text book was not true. Ya Allah.. If he know that the rest is not originally from me. I smiled bitterly. But I guess I can take  this credit for my hard work in the previous homework to make me feel less guilty. 

Alhamdulillah.. I will be hired as a Research Assistant for one month during Summer break and will be earned USD $2000. Can you imagine that? It is approximately RM6200, almost more than two times my salary as a lecturer in Malaysia.  If he can give me USD$2000, then how much his salary per month? USD$10k? 13K? Wow.. 

Rizq is in the hands of Allah. I should do more sadaqah jariah for all His abundant nikmat. Hopefully our life would be more blessed by Allah. 

Allahu Akbar, Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah.. Thank you Allah.

Mental note: Allah melapangkan bagi mu supaya engkau tidak selalu dalam kesempitan dan Allah menyempitkan bagi mu supaya engkau tidak hanyut dalam kelapangan, dan Allah melepaskan engkau dari keduanya, supaya engkau tidak bergantung pada sesuatu selain Allah.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Honey Roasted Chicken with Rosemary

1 ekor ayam
1 kiub pati ayam
2 biji ubi kentang - potong 4
1 biji carrot - potong sederhana besar
1/2 biji nenas - potong kiub besar
 1 tsp rosemary
1/2 tsp dil
3 helai daun salam (bay leaves)
2 tsp Madu
1 tsp Lada hitam/putih
Garam secukup rasa
Bawang goreng

1. Cuci bersih ayam dan masukkan ke dalam mangkuk tahan panas.
2. Lumurkan ayam dengan kiub pati ayam, madu, garam dan lada hitam.
3. Masukkan rosemary, dil, bay leaf, kentang, dan carrot dan gaul rata.
4. Bakar dalam oven sehingga masak.
5. Taburkan bawang goreng dan siap!!

Mee Hoon Singapore

1 paket mee hoon
3 biji bawang merah
3 biji bawang putih
7 biji cili padi
1 genggam ikan bilis yang diblender/tumbuk
1/2 kiub pati ayam
1 tsp lada hitam/putih
1 cawan chopped vegetables

1. Rendam mee hoon dalam air sehingga kembang.
2. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, garam, cili padi yang ditumbuk dan kan bilis.
3. Masukkan pati ayam, lada hitam/putih dan sayur.
4. Masukkan mee yang ditos dan tambah sedikit air.
5. Tutup kuali, biarkan sebentar sehingga mee benar2 kembang.
6. Tambah garam jika kurang masin, gaul sehingga sebati dan siap!!

Daging berlada hitam masak kicap

Sos lada hitam
Sos tiram
3 biji bawang merah
3 ulas bawang putih
1 inch halia
7 biji cili padi

1. Perap daging yang dipotong dadu dengan sos lada hitam selama 30 minit.
2. Goreng daging sehingga empuk.
3. Dalam kuali yang lain, tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, halia dan cili api. Masukkan sos tiram.
4. Masukkan daging goreng tadi, tambah kicap, air dan garam.
5. Tunggu hingga mendidih dan siap!!

Kerabu taugeh

Kerabu taugeh

Taugeh 50 sen
3 biji bawang merah dihiris
3 ulas bawang putih dihiris
5 biji cili padi dihiris
1 tsp Belacan
4 tsp Udang kering yang ditumbuk
3 tsp Kerisik
2 tsp jus limau
Garam dan gula secukup rasa

1. Celur taugeh dengan air panas dan toskan.
2. Campur kesemua bahan diatas dan siap!!